Proudly Supporting Cancer Research UK & Alex’s Wish

There are so many charities out there doing incredible work to help those who really need it. We all have different causes that strike a chord with us. We make a difference when we choose to donate, no matter which charity or how much. This allows charities to carry out their crucial work thanks to the generosity of people like YOU.

Alex's Wish has a mission to eradicate Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Duchenne which affects 1 in every 3,500 boys born. DMD is a devastating aggressive fatal muscle wasting disease which leaves children completely paralysed by late teens.

Duchenne is caused by a mutation on the X chromosome, boys are born with the condition and it can affect any family. Boys are missing a vital protein and as a result every single muscle in their body is destroyed. It is 100% fatal and most boys are only expected to live until their mid-twenties due to heart and respiratory complications.

Alexs Wish founder Emma Hallam set-up the charity shortly after being told not enough funding is going into research to bring about effective treatments to help delay symptoms.

They alongside other UK charities are making huge strides and now for the first time in history, this generation could be either the last to die or the first to survive this devastating illness.

Cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years. Consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further. Help Cancer Research UK improve results even faster.